Die Recherche nach Pseudonymen in deutschen Katalogen nach dem RDA-Umstieg

Bestandsaufnahme und Verbesserungspotenzial





Resource Description and Access (RDA), Cataloguing, Pseudonyms, Retrieval


Works written under pseudonym are treated differently according to RDA than according to RAK: If there are several bibliographic identities, not only must the authority records be split after the changeover to the new rules, but also some of the title records must be reassigned. This avoids problems in retrieval, but means considerable effort. A survey was conducted to determine the current situation with pseudonyms and how bad the consequences for the retrieval are considered to be. It became clear that a comprehensive intellectual processing of the pseudonym cases in the legacy data is unrealistic. In addition, a technical search solution which had originally been discussed has only rarely been implemented. Therefore, a machine assignment of title records to authority records would be an attractive alternative. A test showed that even with a relatively simple Python script, a large number of cases can be solved. With some extensions and optimally the inclusion of work clusters, a very reliable machine solution could be implemented


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How to Cite

Die Recherche nach Pseudonymen in deutschen Katalogen nach dem RDA-Umstieg: Bestandsaufnahme und Verbesserungspotenzial. (2023). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 10(4), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5985